The Taylors
Herb is the coordinator of Hispanic ministries for Baptist Church Planters. Their ministry is three-fold: planting Hispanic churches, partnering with local churches to reach Hispanics in their community, and preparing leaders to reach Hispanics.
Facebook: Taylor Ministries

Herb & Wanda Taylor
The Simons
The Simon's are third generation native missionaries in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Orissa which are located in India. The ministry includes church planting, a Bible institute, children's home and evangelistic teams.

Shibu & Julie with Abigail and Joshua, Annamma, Shaju &Julie with Simon
The Northeast Regular Baptist Fellowship of Churches is a fellowship of independent, Baptist churches located in the six New England states and New York state east of the Hudson. It provides fellowship, aid and encouragement to churches of like precious faith, and promotes the establishment of Baptist churches wherever possible.